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Added: Nov 07, 2023

An AI image generator that allows anyone to create high quality images.

screenshot of Dezgo's website

What does Dezgo do?

Dezgo is a text-to-image AI image generator that will help you create super high quality images in seconds. It doesn’t matter if you’re a designer, a content creative or even an artist. Dezgo will help turn your vision into reality.

You don’t need an account to get started, but if you want to take full advantage of what Dezgo has to offer, you might want to set one up. It’s really simple to use, the interface isn’t complicated and you’re not overwhelmed by loads of different settings/buttons. This is ideal if you want to generate an image with no distractions. Include your prompt, pick a Model and click run. In a few seconds, you’ll be presented with your AI generated image. Now, if that’s sounds too simple for you, don’t worry. You can provide a bit more detail in the ‘More Options’ dropdown. Here, you can choose the image resolution and provide a ‘negative’ prompt. This is where you lay out all of the things you don’t want included in your generated image. I’ve not come across this approach before and I think it’s great! Just an FYI there are a few extra features in this section that you will have to pay for.

Now, if the text-to-image isn’t working for you, or you just can’t seem to get those prompts down, don’t worry! Dezgo also offer an image-to-image generator. Upload an image and Dezgo will use this as inspiration. It’s pretty great, but if you want to create something specific, you’ll have to call this out in the prompts.

Let’s get into pricing. Dezgo is free, but there is a pay-as-you-go Power mode option that gives you access to a few more features. If you deposit $10 into your Dezgo account, you’ll get your hands on 5263 images (text-to-image)/558 images (text-to-image XL) depending what you go for. One really cool benefit of paying for the Power Mode membership is that your request bypasses the generator queue and is processed immediately. So there’s no waiting around for your images. You can also generate up to four versions of an image (Midjourney offer something similar), I love this feature because you have more options to choose from. Instead of having to go back and generate another image that fits the bill, you’ll normally find a version that you’re happy with within these 4 options. And finally you have full access to all 79 AI Models and unlock the rest of the tool parameters.

When it came to the prompts, I quickly learned that you have to be extremely specific and share as much detail as possible with Dezgo. With many other AI image generator tools you can be quite vague and they normally present you with something that isn’t too far from what you imagined. But with Dezgo, you really need to hold it’s hand. I found that things were missed even if I did specifically call something out in my prompt. I know the Dezgo team are always working on developing the tool, so fingers crossed that they’ll nail this soon.

Dezgo is big on customisatonalisation. They have a whole bunch of editing tools that allow you to tweak the final output if needed. From changing the colour of the generated image, to even mixing up the background, you can do it all in one place. If you want to create images quickly, but still want to have your say, Dezgo is the tool for you!

We Love:

  • A brilliant free version!
  • Super fast generation
  • Variety of AI models to choose from

We Hate:

  • Constant development means you may come across a few bugs


Click to enlarge


Or text-to-image, whatever works best for you
Or text-to-image, whatever works best for you
Close, but not close enough

Close, but not close enough

Our Verdict on Dezgo

It’s easy to use and you can customise your generations quickly. It’s also a brilliant tool to practice your prompts on, as you have to be super detailed in what you share with Dezgo to create something even close to your vision. This did frustrate me slightly because I was in a rush when using Dezgo, I didn’t want to spend lots of time creating a prompt, I just wanted results (maybe says more about me!) So keep this in mind when using the tool.

The tool is relatively new, which means the team are are still working away on it, so bugs will appear from time to time. I also wasn’t majorly impressed by the quality of the images, they weren’t outstanding and didn’t feel unique. Some images felt collaged together and quite rough. It seems like Dezgo hasn’t figured out the human face just yet
 But, I can’t put all the blame on Dezgo, as my bad prompts properly didn’t help either!

If you’re looking to dip your toe into the AI image generation space, than I think Dezgo is a great place to start.

Compared Alternatives

  • Craiyon.com - The quality of the generated images are super high! I was actually really impressed with the type of images that Craiyon.com generated, they feel very creative. So Craiyon.com may be the one for you if you’re an illustrator or an artist. Unfortunately there weren’t as many AI Models to choose from, so I’d recommend sticking with Dezgo if you’re looking for a specific AI Model.
  • Hotpot.ai - As well as generating images with Hotpot.ai you can also generate headshots, upscale images, remove objects - the list goes on! It’s a great tool to use if you have a lot to tick off your list. The tool is slightly more expensive that Dezgo. For ÂŁ10/month you’ll receive 1000 credits. With Dezgo, $10/month will get you 5263 images.


  • Text-to-image generator
  • Image-to-image generator
  • Diverse AI Model selection


  • A marketing manager creating new assets
  • An illustrator creating new images for a project
  • A blogger creating images for their site

Insider Tips

  • Dezgo have an API that you can take full advantage of too. Why not Integrate the same Dezgo infrastructure into your product, so you can generate images quickly without having to start from scratch.

Dezgo Pricing

Revel in expedited processing speed and multi-image generation in the paid tier.

Has Free Tier

Public Pricing

Enterprise Plan

Double Check Pricing

*Last Updated: Nov 04, 2023


Limited Features / Credits

Limited Features

Limited Credits

Limited Image Quality

Power Mode


NaN% off with Annual plan

Faster processing speed

Generate up to 4 images once

NaN% off with Annual

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About this tool

Reviewed By

Profile Picture of Lydia Melvin
Lydia Melvin
Content Producer

Lydia Melvin is a Content Producer focused on tech reviews and interviews.

Profile Picture of Jack Woodwalker
Jack Woodwalker
CEO & Lead Reviewer

Jack Woodwalker is a tech reviewer, former engineer and the CEO of AllThingsAI.

About the Author

How We Test

  1.  We verified that Dezgo and its team are legit.
  2. We signed up to Dezgo
  3. We tried the tool by creating AI text-to-image generator and verifying its pricing.
  4. We tried similar competitors like Hugging Face and Hotpot.ai
  5. We reviewed each tool on the basis of its Simplicity, Authenticity, Affordability and Competency
Our Methodology

About AllThingsAI

AllThingsAI finds the best AI tools on the Internet and tests them out. Our goal is to make it easy to find the best AI you need, without spending hours of your day trying new tools.

Our writing team comes from a variety of backgrounds in media and tech, but we use AI tools every day from web design, to writing, video editing, team collaboration and content production.

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