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Added: Jan 22, 2024

Create beautiful team presentations effortlessly with

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What does do?

You and your team are crowded around one computer screen, each team member frantically trying to have their input on the presentation. And of course, you only have 10 minutes before you need to send the deck to client. Sounds like my kind of hell. Sadly, we’ve probably all experienced something like this at one point or another. No one enjoys this type of chaos. Things end up getting missed, voices aren’t heard and someone always ends up leaving disheartened and dishevelled, it’s not nice.

It’s now time to say goodbye to this kind of stress and hello to is an AI presentation tool that will help you and your team create beautiful presentations, effortlessly in no time at all. Plan ahead, prepare and save time, instead of working up to the wire.

Take advantage of’s smart template, so you can start building your perfect presentation in no time at all. These templates are perfect if you don’t have the best eye for design. Simply drag-and-drop in your content and will do the rest. Watch take control and apply the rules of great design in real-time. Your slides will adapt to the content you’ve uploaded, you won’t have to resize images ever again.

They make it super easy to maintain brand consistency too, ensuring your slides always align with your brand. Avoiding arguments among team members on the perfect approach to logo sizing

If is sounding right up your street, why not give it a go? Just a heads up, unfortunately don’t offer a free version of the tool at the moment. They do offer a a 14-day free Pro trial, but after this runs out you will have to pay at $12/month for the Pro for Individuals membership, the Team membership comes in at a higher price.

Marketing reports, pitch decks, sales proposals - you get the gist. will help you create any type of presentation, without the stress. Test it out and let us know what you think!

We Love:

  • Really easy to use
  • Great for team collaboration
  • Loads of pre-built deck templates to choose from

We Hate:

  • The AI bot becomes confused easily - need to repeat instructions several times
  • Layouts can be quite limiting
  • Expensive payment plans


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Say hello to
Say hello to
Take advantage of one of the many presentation templates
Take advantage of one of the many presentation templates
Plenty of inspiration for you and your team
Plenty of inspiration for you and your team

Our Verdict on

If you are part of a small team or work mainly by yourself, I’d suggest using another presentation tool. Something that is a bit more simple and reflects the size of your business. is targeted toward businesses, so the majority of templates available are templates for proposals, pitches, and reports. While this is super useful for some, it’s not useful for all. If you’re on the hunt for a presentation tool that will help with education or learning, we’d point you in the direction of Prezi. is a nice bit of kit. It’s brilliant for larger teams and collaboration. Nothing will get lost in translation again. But, it does come with a hefty price tag.

Compared Alternatives

  • Prezi - If you’re on a budget, Prezi is the option for you. Starting at $5/month, you’ll be able to create your eye catching presentations in no time. If you’re looking to create unique and personal presentations, we’d suggest sticking with as they offer a much longer list of different features for you to play around with.
  • Pitch - You’re able to record videos in the presentation (a bit similar to Loom), this is a really cool feature that will massively benefit your team. If you want to keep an eye on how your presentations are hitting, offers reporting and statistics.


  • AI presentation creator
  • AI Smart slides
  • AI Design Bot creator
  • Dynamic animations
  • Templates for teams


  • Project manager sharing a monthly update with their team
  • A Founder creating a brand guidelines deck, looking for input from the team.

Insider Tips

  • If you’re a student and love the look of but you’re put off by the price tag - don’t worry! offer free plans for students, so you can still enjoy creating eye catching presentations, nice and easy. Pricing

Top-tier features and transparent pricing cater to businesses of any scale.

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*Last Updated: Jan 22, 2024

Premium Trial

14 Days

Full Pro Features

AI Content Generation

Viewer Analytics




0% off with Annual plan

Unlimited Slides

PowerPoint Import/Export




20% off with Annual

Collaborative Workspace

Custom Template Library Q&A

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Reviewed By

Profile Picture of Lydia Melvin
Lydia Melvin
Content Producer

Lydia Melvin is a Content Producer focused on tech reviews and interviews.

Profile Picture of Jack Woodwalker
Jack Woodwalker
CEO & Lead Reviewer

Jack Woodwalker is a tech reviewer, former engineer and the CEO of AllThingsAI.

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AllThingsAI finds the best AI tools on the Internet and tests them out. Our goal is to make it easy to find the best AI you need, without spending hours of your day trying new tools.

Our writing team comes from a variety of backgrounds in media and tech, but we use AI tools every day from web design, to writing, video editing, team collaboration and content production.

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