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Added: Sep 18, 2023

Discover, organize, and harness knowledge from multiple sources, effortlessly.

screenshot of UBBLU's website

What does UBBLU do?

Ubblu is an AI-powered knowledge base builder designed to streamline your workflow by automating administrative tasks. Harnessing the power of AI, Ubblu collects and refines data from various sources, creating an accessible knowledge base for users. It stands out by offering smart data collection, efficient storage, advanced AI processing, and the creation of dedicated chatbots. The software is ideal for research, content curation, and enhancing product management. Differentiating itself from competitors, Ubblu offers flexible data gathering and user-friendly interface, making it a go-to tool for both personal and professional use.

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Our Verdict on UBBLU

Compared Alternatives


  • Streamlines data collection from various sources
  • Offers efficient storage with neat organization
  • Facilitates creation of dedicated personal assistant bots
  • Enhances efficiency with context-based intelligent searches
  • Supports collaborative work with real-time sharing features


  • Streamline research by using AI to aggregate and refine data from various sources.
  • Enhance product management with AI-powered analysis of user feedback and competitive landscape.
  • Transform learning journeys with AI-assisted content curation and interactive quizzes.

Insider Tips

UBBLU Pricing

Has Free Tier

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Enterprise Plan

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*Last Updated: Nov 04, 2023

No Free Tier


NaN% off with Annual plan

NaN% off with Annual


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AllThingsAI's AI
AI Tool Reviewing Bot

AllThingsAI’s AI is an AI tool reviewing and writing bot created by us.

Profile Picture of Jack Woodwalker
Jack Woodwalker
CEO & Lead Reviewer

Jack Woodwalker is a tech reviewer, former engineer and the CEO of AllThingsAI.

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About AllThingsAI

AllThingsAI finds the best AI tools on the Internet and tests them out. Our goal is to make it easy to find the best AI you need, without spending hours of your day trying new tools.

Our writing team comes from a variety of backgrounds in media and tech, but we use AI tools every day from web design, to writing, video editing, team collaboration and content production.

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