An AI Lead Magnet that Converts 250% better than a PDF

We built and tested an AI lead Magnet to show you how they can significantly boost your conversion rates. We did this with no-code, ChatGPT, and slick prompt for some style points. In this video, we walk you through the step-by-step process of building an AI lead magnet.

  • Step-by-step guide on building an AI lead magnet without coding
  • Comparison of AI lead magnet vs. traditional PDF lead magnet conversion rates
  • Cost breakdown for implementing an AI lead magnet

🪄 Landing Page Reviewer -

⚙️ Tools Used -, Webflow, HTMLCSS to Image, and OpenAI's GPT Vision

💬 The GPT Vision Prompt Used:
Assume the image is a screenshot of a startup's website. The goal of this landing page is to: "insert your goal"

Given that the best ways to improve a landing page are:

- Crafting a benefit-focused headline
- Writing compelling copy
- Add a standout call-to-action
- Present a clear and relevant offer
- Removing any distractions like extra links or buttons

Give me a short list of 3 things that could help improve this landing page. Provide 2 actionable examples for each. Write in the style and tone of Mark Manson, but slightly more direct.

Alternative screenshot tools:

Tutorial with

We built and tested an AI lead Magnet to show you how they can significantly boost your conversion rates.

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