A RAG LLM startup is building a universal retrieval engine

In this episode, Derek, the CEO and co-founder of Carbon AI, a RAG LLM connector startup; goes deep on language models, how founders choose language models, and how to think about the next 6 months in AI.

He shares his journey from a non-technical background product manager to leading a Generative AI first, RAG LLM startup.

The conversation touches on the nuances of choosing between large and small language models, the impact of potential AI regulations, and the future trajectory of Carbon AI in the generative AI space.

  • Specialized Language Models: language models vs small models for specific tasks.
  • AI Regulation and Market Trends: current state of AI investment, potential government intervention, and the implications for startups in the AI industry.
  • Carbon AI's Journey and Future: From e-commerce to AI, Derek outlines the origins of Carbon AI and its strategic direction in the coming years.

Interview with

Derek, CEO of Carbon AI, a RAG LLM connector startup; goes deep on language models, how founders choose language models, and how to think about AI.

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