Try These 7 AI Presentation Makers for Engaging Slides

Plus Try These 7 AI Presentation Makers for Engaging Slides

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Do you struggle to make good presentations? AI Presentation Maker is your solution. This tool uses smart tech to help you create impressive slides. It's easy to use and makes your work stand out.

Making presentations can be hard. You need to think about design, content, and how to keep people interested. AI Presentation Maker does much of this for you. It chooses good designs and helps organize your ideas. This means you spend less time on making slides and more on your message.

The AI picks layouts and colors that look professional. it makes your slides more interesting. This means people pay more attention to your presentation. And it's easy for anyone to use. Whether you're a student, a teacher, or in business, this tool helps you. is a cloud-based AI tool for making presentations that look great and keep people interested. It uses AI to understand your content and suggests the best layouts, images, and fonts. This is perfect if you don't have much time or are not good at design.

The AI in is smart. It looks at what you write and picks the right design for your slides. You don't need to spend a lot of time making your slides look good. The tool also has a lot of templates. You can change these templates to fit what you need. Another great thing is that you can work with others on your presentations at the same time. You can share your work and get feedback easily. works with other tools you might use, like Google Drive and Dropbox.

Here's how you use
- Make an account and sign in.
- Pick a template or start with nothing.
- Add your content and let the AI help.
- Make your presentation look how you want.
- Share it with others.

The benefits are clear. You make presentations quickly and easily. You don't need to know a lot about design. Your slides look good and keep people interested. You can work with others in real time. The tool works with other programs you use.

- Smart AI design help
- Many templates to choose from
- Work with others at the same time
- Works with other tools like Google Drive
- Easy to customize your slides


Slides AI

Slides AI is an AI extension for Google Slides. It helps you make presentations from your text. It uses AI to summarize your text, make slides, and suggest pictures. This is great for making presentations fast without starting from zero.

With Slides AI, you make slides from what you write. This saves time and effort. The tool suggests pictures that fit your slides. It can also change your sentences to make them clearer and shorter. Slides AI works right inside Google Slides. This makes it simple to use.

Here's how to use Slides AI:
- Add the Slides AI extension to your Chrome browser.
- Open a Google Slides presentation.
- Pick the text you want to turn into slides.
- Click the "Slides AI" button.
- The tool makes slides from your text.

The benefits are many. You make presentations fast and easily. You don't need to know much about design. It turns your text into presentations. You get picture suggestions. It can make your sentences better.

- AI makes slides from your text
- Suggests pictures for your slides
- Changes sentences to be better
- Works inside Google Slides
- Simple to use

Try: Slides AI


Gamma is an AI tool for making different styles of presentations. You can use Gamma for work, school, or just for yourself. It's great for making professional-looking presentations easily.

Gamma offers many styles. You can change these to fit your needs. The smart slides in Gamma change to match your content. This makes it easy to make slides that look good. You can work with others on your presentations at the same time. Gamma also works with tools like Google Drive and Dropbox.

Here's how you use Gamma:
- Make an account and sign in.
- Pick a style for your presentation.
- Add your content.
- Change the slides to fit what you want.
- Share it with others.

Gamma is helpful for many reasons. You make professional presentations without much work. It has many styles to choose from. The slides change to fit your content. You can work with others in real time. It works with other programs you use.

- Many styles to choose from
- Slides adapt to your content
- Work with others at the same time
- Works with tools like Google Drive
- Easy to customize your presentation

Try: Gamma


Simplified is an AI tool that makes creating presentations easy and quick. You can make a presentation with just one click. You either start from scratch or use one of the many templates Simplified offers. This tool is perfect for anyone who needs to make presentations fast without spending a lot of time.
The best thing about Simplified is the one-click creation. The AI looks at your content and makes a presentation for you with just one click. It has a lot of templates you can use and change to fit what you need. The tool is also easy to use. Even if you don't know much about making presentations, you can use Simplified easily. It works with other tools you might use, like Google Drive and Dropbox.

Here's how you use Simplified:
- Make an account and sign in.
- Choose a template or start from nothing.
- Put in your content and let the AI help.
- Change the presentation to look how you want.
- Share it with others.

Simplified helps you in many ways. You make presentations quickly and easily. You don't need to be good at design. You can make a presentation with just one click. It has a lot of templates to choose from. The tool is simple to use and works with other programs.

- One-click presentation creation
- Lots of templates
- Easy interface
- Works with Google Drive and Dropbox
- Customizable

Try: Simplified


Tome is an AI tool that helps you make presentations just by talking to it. It's like having a conversation to create your slides. This is great for making presentations fast and easily, without needing to type everything.

Tome's conversational interface is its big feature. You talk to Tome, and it turns your words into a presentation. This is perfect if you prefer talking over typing. The tool is designed to understand your speech and organize it into slides. This means you can make a presentation just by speaking about your topic. It's also good for when you need to make a presentation quickly and don't have time to type a lot.

Here's how you use Tome:
- Open Tome.
- Start talking about your topic.
- Tome turns your words into a presentation.
- You can change the slides to fit what you want.
- Share your presentation with others.

Tome makes things easier for you. You make presentations fast by just talking. You don't need to be good at typing or design. The tool understands your speech and makes it into slides. This is helpful for quick presentations and for people who find talking easier than writing.

- Conversational interface
- Turns speech into slides
- Easy to use
- Good for fast presentations
- Customizable slides

Try: Tome

Profile Picture of Nile Frater

Written By: Nile Frater

Editor in Chief

Published Date: Nov 27, 2023

Check out 7 AI presentation makers. Easy tools for eye-catching slides, both free and paid, to suit your needs.

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