ChatGPT Alternatives

Plus The Best Language Models to Use in 2023

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ChatGPT is a powerful language in the text-based AI world. It's from OpenAI and it's designed to help with all kinds of writing and conversation tasks. People use it for everything from answering questions to making chatbots to helping with writing stuff like articles and emails. It's got some smart technology behind it, but it's not the only game in town.

Looking for an alternative to ChatGPT? There are other options out there, sure. These alternatives can offer different features, maybe a different style of conversation, or even better pricing plans. Each of these options has its strengths and weaknesses. 

So if ChatGPT isn't hitting the mark for you, no worries. There are other routes you can take to get your text-based AI fix.

Here are some of the best ChatGPT alternatives:
1. Google Bard AI
2. Perplexity AI
3. Microsoft Bing AI
4. Chatsonic
5. GitHub Copilot X

1. Google Bard AI

Google Bard AI is big. Even bigger than ChatGPT. This language model from Google can do a lot. It makes text, translates languages, and creates different creative stuff like poems, scripts, and more. It can even answer tricky questions. But take note, Bard is still cooking. It's not done yet, so some parts might be a bit rough. What makes it a big deal? It has 137 billion parameters. In simple terms, it's more than double what ChatGPT has. 

If you want to try Bard, go to this website: Bard's Official Site. Log in with your Google account and type what you need. Bard will handle the rest.

Both can make text and translate stuff. But Bard has extra tricks. It can also create artistic text like poems and scripts. And guess what? Using Bard is free, just like ChatGPT. But ChatGPT has a paid option if you want the premium stuff. 

if you like playing with words and need a tool for that, Bard has got your back. It’s pretty solid, and it's just gonna get better.

Try: Google Bard AI

2. Perplexity AI

Perplexity AI is a serious tool with multiple functions. It's not just for searching the internet; this platform allows for real conversations. You get thorough answers, even to complex or challenging questions. It has 137 billion parameters, making it significantly larger than ChatGPT. When it comes to writing, Perplexity AI can also handle creative formats like poems, scripts, and musical compositions. For those interested in costs, there are two options: a free plan and a paid plan that starts at $20 per month. You can start using it by visiting the Perplexity AI website and typing your query.

In comparison with ChatGPT, Perplexity AI holds its own. Both can answer questions, but Perplexity AI goes beyond to offer text generation and translation. While ChatGPT does have both free and paid options, it falls short on features like creative writing. Perplexity AI is an excellent choice for people who require more than just answers to questions. It can be an asset for tasks like research, creative writing, or receiving more in-depth information on specific topics. Just visit the website, type in your need, and let Perplexity AI handle the rest.

Try: Perplexity AI

3. Microsoft Bing AI

Microsoft Bing got a big update this year, now using OpenAI's GPT-4 tech. So, it's not just a place to look for stuff anymore; you can talk to it like a chatbot. And it's smart; it knows how to pull together data from the web to answer your questions. Not just old data, but the latest info. Bing Chat uses the same base knowledge as older ChatGPT models but stays current by checking real-time web info. This chatbot can do a lot—basic questions, deep topics, even some creative stuff.

There's more. Bing also puts AI into the standard search page. It pulls from many sources to give you a full, balanced answer. And there's Bing Image Creator, which can make pictures based on what you ask. This is a big deal for Bing, and it's already making waves. In March 2023, Microsoft said Bing has over 100 million daily users for the first time. That's a month after launching these AI features. The update is also changing how companies think about being found online. Now that Bing can answer many questions straight up, businesses will have to offer more than just basic info to get clicks. This Bing upgrade is not a small thing; it's a whole new way of thinking about search engines.

Try: Microsoft Bing AI

4. Chatsonic

ChatSonic is a new tool from Writesonic, and it's all about making client interactions smooth and personal using smart tech. It’s versatile; it writes pretty much everything, from emails to social media posts. Plus, it’s connected to Google search, so the content is spot-on. 

The pricing starts from $12.67 per month and gets you up to 47,500 words.
The tool can mess up facts, so checking info twice is smart. It’s not cut out for super long projects, given the word limits on both free and paid plans. And let’s be real, sometimes it can get repetitive. But still, for speeding up client talks or getting content done quickly, ChatSonic is solid.

Try: Chatsonic

5. GitHub Copilot X

GitHub Copilot X is built on OpenAI’s GPT-4 and offers serious capabilities. Integrated with Visual Studio and VS Code, this tool provides instant code suggestions, bug fixes, and function tips. Although still in beta, a subscription can unlock full access, and a free trial is there for those interested.

The tool brings standout features. Voice-to-code lets users code without using hands, just by speaking. Creating pull requests is more streamlined, with the tool offering detailed summaries. It also makes reading long documents quicker by generating summaries. The tool is even useful in the command line interface, giving command tips and flags directly. Overall, GitHub Copilot X acts as a robust coding assistant, adding efficiency and simplicity to coding tasks.

Try: Github Copilot X


Is GitHub Copilot X a direct competitor to ChatGPT?

GitHub Copilot X is more focused on aiding software development with code suggestions and bug fixes. It's specialized for developers and integrates with IDEs. ChatGPT, on the other hand, is more versatile but not tailored for coding assistance.

How does Perplexity AI compare to ChatGPT?

Perplexity AI is designed for specialized industrial applications like healthcare and legal advice. ChatGPT has a broader scope and is more suitable for general-purpose tasks like writing, summarizing, and question-answering.

Is Google Bard AI a suitable alternative to ChatGPT for general-purpose writing?

No, Google Bard AI focuses more on contextual understanding rather than general-purpose writing. ChatGPT is versatile and can handle a variety of text generation tasks, making it more suitable for general writing needs.

What makes Microsoft Bing AI different from ChatGPT?

Microsoft Bing AI is integrated into the Bing search engine and optimized for web-based queries. It can sift through a large database to offer concise answers. ChatGPT is not limited to search queries and offers capabilities like text generation and summarization.

Profile Picture of Nile Frater

Written By: Nile Frater

Editor in Chief

Published Date: Oct 30, 2023

ChatGPT Alternatives: Discover the best language models for text generation, translation, and more in 2023.

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