6 Best AI Job Boards

Plus Landing Your Dream Tech Job

Thumbnail showing the Logo and a Screenshot of 6 Best AI Job Boards

AI is rapidly changing, and the demand for skilled professionals in this field is booming. If you're looking for a career in AI or already working in the field and looking for your next opportunity, there are several great AI job boards out there to help you connect with the right jobs. 


Ai-jobs.net is a focused job board for AI, Machine Learning, and related fields. It provides a direct connection between job seekers and employers, with detailed job ads and direct application links. The site ensures transparency, allowing applications without user accounts and features mostly high-quality, spam-free job listings from numerous countries. 

The site offers a talent profile directory, enabling candidates to showcase their skills directly to recruiters without uploading CVs or sensitive data.

Try - ai-jobs.net

The AI Job Board

The AI Job Board is a leading platform for jobs in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. It's designed to connect top talent with leading companies in this sector. The website features a range of job listings from renowned companies, catering to various roles in AI. It's a valuable resource for those looking to build their careers in the AI field, offering opportunities in different specialties and job types. 

Try theaijobboard


aijobs.app is a job platform that specializes in AI-related roles. It offers a wide variety of positions, including developer, designer, marketing, and sales jobs, focused on AI, machine learning, and similar areas.

Try - Aijobs.app

AI Assisted Jobs

AIAssistedJobs.com is a specialized job board focusing on roles requiring expertise in advanced AI technologies like ChatGPT, GPT-3, and GPT-4. This platform is dedicated to listing jobs where skills in the latest AI technologies are essential. It's a niche site for those interested in cutting-edge AI job opportunities.

Try - AIAssistedJobs

Prompt Engineering Jobs

Prompt-Engineering-Jobs.com is a unique job board focused on the emerging field of prompt engineering. It targets jobs where the main task is to design and optimize prompts for AI systems like ChatGPT. The platform offers a variety of job listings, including full-time and part-time roles, many of which allow remote work. This specialized site is ideal for those interested in a career in prompt engineering.

Try - Prompt-Engineering-Jobs


RemoteMachineLearning.com is the top destination for finding remote jobs in Machine Learning, Data Science, NLP, Computer Vision, Speech Processing, and Deep Learning. It's the number one place for machine learning engineers seeking daily job alerts.

The site offers an extensive list of remote machine learning jobs, connecting a vast community of professionals with opportunities worldwide.

Try - RemoteMachineLearning

How to Find AI Remote Jobs

Finding AI remote jobs can be easy with the right tools and search terms. Sites like Google Job Search, LinkedIn, and Indeed are great places to start.

Google Job Search

  • Use specific search terms like "remote AI jobs" or "machine learning remote positions."
  • Google will show jobs from various websites. You can filter by location, job type, and date posted.
  • Set up alerts for new job postings matching your search.


  • Use LinkedIn's job search feature with terms like "remote artificial intelligence jobs."
  • Update your profile to show you're interested in remote AI roles.
  • Network with professionals in the AI field for potential opportunities.


  • Search for "remote AI jobs" or "data science remote positions."
  • Upload your resume and apply directly through Indeed.
  • Set up job alerts to get notified about new listings.
Profile Picture of Nile Frater

Written By: Nile Frater

Editor in Chief

Published Date: Dec 11, 2023

Discover the 6 best AI job boards for tech careers. Find your dream job in AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science with top job sites.

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