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An AI Lead Magnet that Converts 250% better than a PDF

Level: Intermediate

We built and tested an AI lead Magnet to show you how they can significantly boost your conversion rates. We did this with no-code, ChatGPT, and slick prompt for some style points. In this video, we walk you through the step-by-step process of building an AI lead magnet.

  • Step-by-step guide on building an AI lead magnet without coding
  • Comparison of AI lead magnet vs. traditional PDF lead magnet conversion rates
  • Cost breakdown for implementing an AI lead magnet

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Unlock Video with Typeframes: Ultimate Social Video AI [2024]

April 10, 2024

Introducing Typeframes, a tool transforming text into appealing product videos. Users plug in content, select animations, preview, and export, thanks to user-friendly features like real-time preview and frame rate control.

Designed for social media enthusiasts and businesses, Typeframes suits enhancing blog posts, social captions, or product videos. Its streamlined, AI-enhanced process simplifies video creation for platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, possibly setting it apart from other tools.

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